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All I could say was DAMN. His dick was big, fat and looked like a black snake. It was as long as a school ruler. He kept stroking that big black cock faster and faster, all the while telling Katrina to beg for the dick. Katrina was stroking her pussy so hard with the dildo; I just knew that her pussy was going to be torn apart. She complied with CJ by telling her Big Daddy to give it to her harder and harder, until he came on her fat pussy. Their sexy words were making me hot as hell, so hot that I did not realize that I was rubbing my Kitty Kat through my panties. I did not have on my nightgown, only my bra and panties. Once again, I was wet from watching others. My attention was drawn back to CJ who was telling Katrina to squirt that juice for Daddy. Even though I was lost by his words, I could not stop rubbing my Kitty Kat. I was mesmerized and falling in love with CJ’s cock. What I heard next jolted my attention towards my sister. Her ass was now even higher off of the chair and. When the car finally pulled into our garage we were both as tense as ever. The second the engine was off I opened my door and leaped out of the car. I couldnt be alone with him. Being with him was asking for trouble. I rushed to the back, opening the trunk and grabbing my suitcase. If I worked fast I could book it up to my room before he knew what was going on. I had to move quickly. With all my preoccupation about getting my luggage I had failed to notice the eerie calm which had settled over my father. Yet his change in demeanor didnt go unnoticed when I closed the trunk door and was immediately greeted with all 511 of my dad mere inches away from my body. His emotions were masked, the only thing giving him away the thick pole under his shorts. I had been trying to keep my eyes trained on his but my brief glance at his shorts, a habit really, caused my stomach to lurch. At the sight I felt my nether regions tingle. Obviously I wasnt as indifferent to him as I had hoped. He covered.
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